HHV 7 (iSpot)

Human herpes virus type 7, iSpot ∘ test tube 2 x ACD/CPDA


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ArminLabs performs assays to determine cellular activity Human herpes virus type 7 using a certified method iSpot

HHV-7 iSpot- Humans Herpes Virus 7

Frenkel and colleagues first described the isolation of a previously unknown herpes virus from activated CD4+ T-lymphocytes of a healthy man, in 1990. It turned out to be immunological and microbiological so different that it became part of the herpes virus family, Human Herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7). HHV-7 belongs to the group of β-herpesviral next to pathogens like HHV-6A, HHV-6B, and CMV.
HHV-7 infections usually occur at a higher age than HHV-6 infections. The clinical manifestations of primary and reactivated HHV-7 infections were similar, except that seizures occurred more frequently in reactivated infections. HHV-7 DNA was detected in peripheral blood leukocytes and in saliva. HHV-7 was detected also, in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell 67%, in the cervixes of infected women in late pregnancy. Furthermore, HHV-7 DNA was detected by PCR in neuronal tissue by primary brain tumors. The virus was detected also in urine and skin using PCR. HHV-7 has a narrower tissue tropism than HHV-6. This virus infects CD4 T-Cells, epithelial cells in the salivary glands, cells in the lungs, skin, and neuronal tissue.
Transmissions of HHV-7 infections are possible through the birth canal, breast milk, saliva, and allogeneic blood products or transplants. Primary HHV-7 infections may be asymptomatic or associated with fever or febrile seizures. Still, it is a possible cause of a non-specific febrile disease with or without rash (Exantema subitum). HHV-7 is also related to neurological complications that occur next to febrile diseases, such as infectious seizures and temporary hemiplegia, febrile status epilepticus, or clinical and laboratory signs of meningitis.

Associate HHV-7 infection may be with viral exanthema in exanthema subitum, rubella-like infections, and infectious mononucleosis, with immune suppression, and neoplasia with Kaposi-Sarcoma.

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