For laboratory blood tests there are certain requirements for the collection of biomaterial, delivery time, transportation conditions.
In this section, we give brief but very important information that must be followed in order for your tests to be performed.
Tube manufacturers may vary, but there are international requirements for vacuum tubes.
Laboratory vacuum tubes vary in volume, filler (clotting activator, anticoagulant, release gel, etc.) and, for ease of use, cap color.
The choice of test tube depends on the test to be performed. Since there is a huge number of blood tests, we will only give you the information you need.
For each test, we specify the tube type in the assay description
- A blood serum tube is used to test for antibodies to infections SERUM - cap color ORANGE
- The CD3-/CD57+Cells test requires a tube with heparin and edta, HEPARIN – cap color GREEN
- EliSpot tests require a test tube with a CPDA or ACD - cap color YELLOW
- PCR studies, tests for certain vitamins and blood counts require a tube of EDTA- cap color PHYOLETOUS

Please note that sometimes several tube names are listed for one assay.
This means that the laboratory needs two tubes (e.g., two tubes with EDTA or one tube with Heparin + one tube with EDTA) to perform one assay.
If a special tube set is available, we recommend filling all tubes included in the kit with blood to avoid errors.
Vacuum tubes should be filled with venous blood through special double-sided needles (basically all commercial laboratories use them, included in the tube kit).
Blood collection should be performed by a health care professional at a licensed blood collection point in compliance with all rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
Не допускается снятие крышечки, переливание крови из одной пробирки в другую, заполнение пробирки при помощи обычного шприца, использование просроченных пробирок, заморозка пробирок с кровью.
Blood for some tests, such as the EliSpot assay, не должна центрифугироваться, и перевозка осуществляется при комнатной температуре!
Therefore, to avoid errors, laboratories that perform such assays are cautioned not to centrifuge all material, delivery- at room temperature.
Do not centrifuge or refrigerate blood tubes for ArminLabs!
Each tube should be signed in Latin (Last Name, First Name).
The outer packaging on the test tube box (plastic bag) must remain open for the delivery service to inspect the contents of the kit.
Biochemical and clinical blood tests, tests for hormones and vitamins are recommended to take on an empty stomach (at least 4 hours after the last meal), the day before it is desirable not to overwork.
No special preparation is required for antibody, PCR, ELISPOT tests.
As needed, we will be sure to specify specific biomaterial transportation requirements for each laboratory.