Immunologic marker CD57

In lymphoid tissue, the immunologic marker CD57 is expressed by resting NK cells, a subpopulation of T cells, and some pathologic B cells.
According to publications and clinical observations, it is known that chronic borreliosis is accompanied by abnormalities in cellular immune defense - there is a decrease in the number of natural killer cells (NK / CD3-CD56 +) and a decrease in the absolute number of activated NK cells (CD3-CD56 + CD57 +) .
While in early stage Lyme disease and other diseases CD57 levels remain in the normal range, patients with chronic borreliosis have CD57 levels of less than 100 cells/µL. It has been reported that CD-57 levels determine the level of activity of borreliosis infection and help predict the likelihood of relapse after treatment and may also be a marker of therapy efficacy.
Analysis CD3-/CD57+/CD56+/CD45+ Cells can be used as a test for patients with the chronic form, since at the moment doctors are convinced that only borreliosis reduces the number of CD-57.