Use of cookies

This page explains how cookies are used on this website. If you continue to use this site, you agree to our use of your cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files stored on your computer by a web browser (such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome or Opera) at the request of the website you are browsing. This allows the browsing site to remember certain things about you. For example, your settings and history, or to keep you in an authorized state where you no longer need to enter your username and password the next time you visit the site.

Cookies may be stored on your computer for a short period of time (for example, while your browser is open) or for a long period of time, even years. Cookies set by other websites will not be available to us.

Our use of cookies

This site uses cookies for many things, including:

  • Registration and maintenance of your customizations. This includes the ability to remain logged in to this site on repeat visits, as well as displaying the site in the language and style of your choice.
  • Data Analysis. Allows us to determine how people are using the site and improve where possible.
  • Advertising (possibly third party) cookies. If this site displays advertisements, cookies may be set by advertisers to determine who viewed the advertisements or other such things and when. These cookies may be set by third parties, in which case this site is unable to read or write these cookies itself.
  • Other third party cookies for things like sharing content with Facebook or Twitter. These cookies are usually set by the third party themselves, so this site will not be able to access them.

Delete/Disable cookies

Cookies and their settings should be managed as part of your browser settings. Here are links to guides on how to do this in popular browsers:

We use Matomo. Matomo is an open-source software, which evaluates visits to websites. The analysis is enabled through cookies, that is text files. The cookies collect information about your use of our website. This is stored on a Matomo server in France. However, you have the option of preventing Matomo cookies being saved on your computer. To do this, you have to change the settings on your Internet browser accordingly. This may result in you not being able to use the full range of functions on our website.
You can decide here whether to allow a unique web analysis cookie to be stored in your browser enabling the website operator to record and analyze various statistical data.
If you wish to decide against this, click on the following link to store the cookie for disabling Matomo in your browser.